Course curriculum

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    Learning Objectives

    • Overview

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    • Introduction to Sports Branding

    • What is branding?

    • How branding helps sports organisations?

    • Case study: Nike

    • Examples of sports branding partnerships

    • Student question

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    Steps to create a good brand

    • Know who you are

    • Research your audience

    • Define Your Voice

    • Invest

    • Think Big and Think Local

    • Be your brand

    • Video Case Study: MyCujoo

    • Video Case Study: World Rugby

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    • Protecting your brand

    • Audio Case Study: Spartan Race

    • Student question

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    Brand Protection and reputation management

    • Brand reputation

    • Student task

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    Steps to create an effective branding programme

    • What your brand is?

    • What your brand stands for?

    • Brand equity

    • Develop your assets

    • Who to involve in the sports branding process?

    • Audio Case Study: Argyro Elisavet Manoli - Part 1

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    What a Branding Plan and strategy should include: The Key Points

    • Introduction

    • Conduct the research

    • Create the branding strategy

    • Resources and Inputs Needed for Implementation

    • Monitoring & evaluation

    • Audio Case Study: Argyro Elisavet Manoli - Part 2

    • Brand discussion

    • Competitor Brand analysis

    • Question to ask to internal and external stakeholders in brain storming sessions

    • Checklist

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    Final Insights

    • ISC Academy Professors insights

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    • Student Task

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    • Contact information

    • Small survey to make ISC Academy better